Asset Purchase(1%-100%):

We work with Sellers and can buy 1% or 100% of a deal and everything in between.

For select opportunities we are willing to purchase 1% or 100% of Assets. We are flexible and can create a custom solution to meet the different partner’s goals. There may be a subset of existing owners whom may not want to sell. We can accommodate that request and are willing to purchase a portion of or all of the asset. We believe this is an extremely unique and beneficial option. Most, if not all of our competitors will require acquiring 100% of the asset because they want full control. While it is important for any ongoing partnerships to ensure the partners and decision making process works for everyone involved, we have successfully executed very large-scale fractional interest partnership purchases without having full control.

We often find that Fractional Interest Sellers are a fit if the remaining owners:

  • Want to retain ownership – Hold some of the interest in their asset for the foreseeable future
  • Want professional support – Are open to working with professional owner-operators and management
  • Want to reduce management – Minimize their management and ongoing involvement
  • Want a partner – Leverage another partner with significant financial wherewithal and experience

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